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Ribavirin ELISA Test Kit

Ribavirin ELISA Test Kit
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The Kernel Ribavirin ELISA Test Kit is a competitive enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative analysis of ribavirin in meat including chicken, duck, beef and pork, eggs and other sample types. 

Ribavirin is a drug that has US Food and Drug Administration approval for use both as an antiviral and an antiparkinsonian drug. According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, amantadine is no longer recommended for treatment of influenza in the United States. Additionally, its effectiveness as an antiparkinsonian drug is undetermined, with a 2003 Cochrane Review concluding that there was insufficient evidence in support of or against its efficacy and safety. In 2005, Chinese poultry farmers were reported to have used amantadine to protect birds against avian influenza. It has since been banned for use as a veterinary drug by Chinese government regulatory agencies. 

The Kernel Ribavirin ELISA Test Kit has the capacity for 96 determinations or testing of 42 samples in duplicate (assuming 12 wells for standards). Return any unused microwells to the foil bag and reseal them with the desiccant provided in the original package. Store the kit at 2-8°C*. The shelf life is 12 months when the kit is properly stored.
